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🚨 Read Before Installing

It is recommended to read this entire page before proceeding. This will ensure that you fully understand each added feature on sunnypilot, and you are selecting the right branch for your car to have the best driving experience.

This is a fork of's openpilot. By installing this software, you accept all responsibility for anything that might occur while you use it. All contributors to sunnypilot are not liable. ❗Use at your own risk.

All official sunnypilot branches strictly adhere to's safety policy. Any changes that go against this policy will result in your fork and your device being banned from both and sunnypilot channels.

The following changes are a VIOLATION of this policy and ARE NOT included in any sunnypilot branches:

  • Driver Monitoring:
    • ❌ "Nerfing" or reducing monitoring parameters.
  • Panda safety:
    • ❌ No preventing disengaging of LONGITUDINAL CONTROL (acceleration/brake) on brake pedal press.
    • ❌ No auto re-engaging of LONGITUDINAL CONTROL (acceleration/brake) on brake pedal release.
    • ❌ No disengaging on ACC MAIN in OFF state.
URL (Easy)

comma three

Please refer to Recommended Branches to find your preferred/supported branch. This guide will assume you want to install the latest release-c3 branch.

  • sunnypilot not installed or you installed a version before 0.8.17?

    1. Factory reset/uninstall the previous software if you have another software/fork installed.
    2. After factory reset/uninstall and upon reboot, select Custom Software when given the option.
    3. Input the installation URL per Recommended Branches. Example: [^4] (note: https:// is not requirement on the comma three)
    4. Complete the rest of the installation following the onscreen instructions.
  • sunnypilot already installed and you installed a version after 0.8.17?

    1. On the comma three, go to Settings ▶️ Software.
    2. At the Download option, press CHECK. This will fetch the list of latest branches from sunnypilot.
    3. At the Target Branch option, press SELECT to open the Target Branch selector.
    4. Scroll to select the desired branch per Recommended Branches. Example: release-c3

Requires further assistance with software installation? Join the sunnypilot Discord server and message us in the #installation-help channel.

comma two

  1. Factory reset/uninstall the previous software if you have another software/fork installed.
  2. After factory reset/uninstall and upon reboot, select Custom Software when given the option.
  3. Input the installation URL per Recommended Branches. Example:
  4. Complete the rest of the installation following the onscreen instructions.

Requires further assistance with software installation? Join the sunnypilot Discord server and message us in the #installation-help channel.

SSH (More Versatile)

Prerequisites: How to SSH

If you are looking to install sunnypilot via SSH, run the following command in an SSH terminal after connecting to your device:

comma three:

  • release-c3:

    cd /data; rm -rf ./openpilot; git clone -b release-c3 --recurse-submodules openpilot; cd openpilot; sudo reboot

comma two:

  • 0.8.12-prod-personal-hkg:

    cd /data; rm -rf ./openpilot; git clone -b 0.8.12-prod-personal-hkg --recurse-submodules openpilot; cd openpilot; sudo reboot

After running the command to install the desired branch, your comma device should reboot.


  • release: Tested, stable, and most recommended.
  • staging: Beta testers of upcoming release.
  • dev: Daily drivers willing to test new features.

Example: When a new feature is implemented in dev, it gets tested internally by sunnypilot team, then gets pushed to staging for beta testers to test, and finally gets pushed to release.

BranchDefinitionCompatible DevicesChangelog
releaseStable and testedAllLink
stagingBeta testers of upcoming releaseAllLink
devDaily drivers willing to test new thingsAllLink